Trademark Registration Made Easy

Protect Your Business Names – Product Names – Logos – Slogans

Register a name, logo, or slogan as a US Federal Trademark

Let us help you file your Declaration of Use & Declaration of Incontestability to keep your trademark registration alive

Has the USPTO issued an Office Action refusal to your trademark registration application? We can help.

A business that hasn’t protected its brand has no market value. Protecting your intellectual property should be your first priority when starting a business, not your last.”

John Hilla, J.D., LL.M

Attorney and founder of Detroit, Michigan Trademark Attorneys Noble Path Trademark Law

Together, we can chart your path to success.

The Noble Path to start-up success requires advance thought, planning, and precaution. Don’t buy domain names and print stationary before ensuring that you have the right to use that catchy business or product name first! Combating future infringement starts now, with an adequate defense through US trademark registration—and the assistance of diligent, accessible Detroit, Michigan trademark lawyers.

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